Foster a sense of community throughout your properties

Amenity Bookings
Enable your tenants to book amenities online, saving everyone time and effort. Availability will be clearly displayed and will only allow tenants to book when the amenity is available. Managers can enjoy a clear and visually appealing calendar view of all bookings, for efficiency and accuracy while building community.
Social Events
Schedule events for your community easily and give your residents access to the events calendar. Allow tenants to RSVP to events like lobby appreciation parties, Yoga classes or a community BBQ.

Provide your tenants with the service of informing them when a parcel arrives for them and enable them to sign for the package directly on the portal. Show your tenants you’re there for their every need in your community. Parcel locker options available too!
Upload permission based documents directly onto the portal and save tenants in need of documents a trip to the office. Your management will appreciate the ease and convenience this module provides as well. Managers can choose which documents can be accessed free of charge, and which documents payment must be submitted for via the portal.

Stay in the know about everything that interests your tenants and about potential problems or grievances that are getting your tenants down. Utilizing our convenient and efficient survey module will greatly improve the feeling of community and show your tenants that you truly care.